Lost Spring, 2015

Lost Spring was performed at the MuCEM in Marseille, the Morgenland Festival, and National Sawdust in New York. 

Lost Spring is a multi-media play, co-created by artist Kevork Mourad and singer/writer Anaïs Tekerian, with music by Anna Garano and featuring a dancer and a young actress.

How do you explain inhuman cruelty to innocence itself? How do you pass on a history like the Armenian Genocide to a bright-eyed child? What are your rights and duties in doing so?

Lost Spring asks these questions, through the incredible but true story of Mourad’s great-grandmother, who survived the Armenian genocide one hundred years ago.

Lost Spring is a moving, thought-provoking piece that delves into the ideas about the transmission of history, the duties of the parent and of the artist, the pain and the privilege of historical inheritance, and the poetic links between the image and the word, between movement and song…
